It’s time we address the elephant in the room, technology has made developers lazy and complacent. Once upon a time when a game was released that was it. That was all you got. If the game was bad you didn’t get a second chance to fix it. Nowadays games are releasing halfway finished and get 3 updates and patches within the first month and that has become completely normalized. “The Day One Patch” is the biggest scam in gaming. How did you have years to work on the game and before anyone even plays it there are already patches? It’s ridiculous. We now have games that have been horrible at launch and take years to get it right (no man’s sky & cyberpunk battlefield 2042) and these games get praised for it "but their good now” isn’t quite the point. Companies are now comfortable enough to give us half-assed products because they know we will purchase them and they can just keep patching, updating, and DLC-ing it until the game is good. I’m all for technology advancement when it’s making games better but when game quality is regressing and broken games are the norm and we as consumers praise games for a (smooth launch) which should be the bare minimum it puts in perspective how much of a priority there is on making sure the product is completed